Learning objectives

Learning objectives of the bachelor program

Digitization represents a central task in the development of the economy in Lower Saxony and beyond. For successful implementation, it is necessary to understand the fundamental concepts in relation to later application. Accordingly, the bachelor's degree program DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES is designed to teach both the theoretical-scientific fundamentals and the technical application skills.

Students are trained at the interface between digitization from computer science and the application areas. All students start together in a basic semester, which covers the fundamentals of computer science, interdisciplinary basics for scientific work and the implementation of projects, as well as an overview of the application areas. In the following four semesters, basic training follows, initially in computer science and mathematics, which are increasingly supplemented by an application area that forms the focus of study at the end of the bachelor's program. Students choose their individual application area before the start of the second semester.

Starting in the first semester, students complete projects that are interlocked with their studies. The "project pillar" covers the 1st to 5th semesters and allows students to practically apply the theoretical contents of the lectures (from computer science and application area). The first three semester projects focus on the basics, whereas the digitization projects in the 4th and 5th semester are more focused on the respective application area.

Graduates should be able to use the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during their studies confidently to solve problems in a professional environment. The interdisciplinary competencies required for this, in addition to the ability to abstract and analyze, are also taught during the course of study.

  • Lernziel #1:


    The aim of the bachelor's degree program DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES is to impart basic interdisciplinary, technical and methodological competencies in computer science and a selected field of application. Students should be qualified and able to act responsibly as digitization specialists. The bachelor's degree program DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES enables students to act in a scientifically sound manner in everyday professional life and qualifies them for further scientific studies.

    The following competencies are addressed:

    • Apply scientific methods and new findings to practical problems and/or use modern technologies effectively.
    • Understand and evaluate technical, economic, political, social and legal frameworks
    • Make rational and ethically justifiable decisions and think critically
    • Communicate about content and problems with peers and articulate decisions logically and persuasively
    • Collaborate across disciplines and levels and grow into leadership responsibilities


  • Lernziel #2:


    The bachelor's degree program is characterized by a high proportion of project work and is intended to teach graduates interdisciplinary thinking and action. With the help of scientific methods, graduates should be able to identify and derive the different challenges at the interface between computer science and an application area, and to model and implement innovative approaches to solutions.

    To this end, graduates will be taught the following skills in the program:

    • Explore, compare, and evaluate existing processes and systems.
    • Penetrate, select, apply and analyze design and implementation methods for systems and processes
    • Comprehend generic technical and/or business problems and issues
    • Abstract and model generic technical or business problems and issues
    • Develop and interpret relevant secondary and primary data, use specialist information sources.


  • Lernziel #3:


    The graduates of the DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES program are able to quickly integrate into the work and task field of a company due to the course content and the practical relevance of the teaching. Through fundamental knowledge of selected areas, graduates will be enabled to actively participate in projects and operational tasks.

    To this end, the following knowledge is imparted:

    • Broad basic and overview knowledge in selected areas of mathematics and computer science.
    • Broad basic and overview knowledge of essential engineering fields
    • Broad basic and general knowledge of essential fields of economics and law
    • Integrative knowledge of coordination, communication, methodology and leadership
    • Basic knowledge in the field of empiricism and scientific working methods