Learning objectives for the Master's programme

The Qualification goals of the master's program

The main qualification goals of the master's program DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES are, in addition to enabling students to be socially engaged, to enable them to work independently in scientific fields, to achieve a high level of application competence and to qualify them for further careers. For this reason, the master's program broadens and deepens the fundamental interdisciplinary, technical and methodological competencies of computer science and selected fields of application and enables students to work analytically and scientifically based critically beyond the goals of a bachelor's degree.

It is precisely through the interdisciplinary and application-oriented projects that students learn in which areas and to what extent digitization can find its way into society. Ethical aspects of the technical possibilities are also considered. In addition, students experience different roles and responsibilities through the interdisciplinary and cross-semester projects and the agile working culture. These competencies enable them to act in a socially and democratically responsible manner.

Graduates should be able to confidently apply the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during their studies in the professional environment to solve problems. The interdisciplinary competencies required for this, in addition to the ability to abstract and analyze, are also taught during the course of study.


Apply for the master program DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES in the summer semester 2025 from 15.11. to 15.01.! You can find all information here...

  • Qualification goal #1:


    Graduates should be able to act creatively and critically as digitization specialists and respond to new professional and technological challenges. The focus of the program is on the ability to recognize interdisciplinary contexts and social effects and to take them into account responsibly in one's own actions.

    As members of interdisciplinary project teams, students are able to develop solution ideas for practical problems from the application areas with digitalisation technologies. They are proficient in agile thinking and methods such as Scrum. In addition, the students can bring their understanding from their chosen computer science disciplines and application areas into product and software development. Furthermore, they are able to work interdisciplinary, scientifically and economically within their focus areas, to communicate, present and discuss as well as to take into account the political and civil society framework in their work in order to critically reflect on social processes and to assume social responsibility.

    1.1 Skills: Subject discipline computer science

    Students can understand, analyse, optimise and recreate software in their interaction with hardware and products. In addition, students can apply their understanding from the subject disciplines of computer science to software development.

    1.2. skills: Fields of Applications

    The students can solve tasks, problems and challenges from the application areas with the means of digitalisation. In addition, the students can bring their understanding from the application areas into product development. Furthermore, they are able to consider political and civil society framework conditions in relation to the application area in order to critically reflect on social processes and assume social responsibility.

    1.3 Skills: General modules for the Master's degree

    They are proficient in agile thinking and methods such as Scrum. Furthermore, they are able to work interdisciplinary and scientifically within their focus areas, to communicate, present and discuss. Furthermore, they have experience in managing projects (formulating goals, planning, defining and adhering to milestones, coordination, progress control, agreements, teamwork). They can combine their knowledge from informatics and the application areas and assess the resulting digitisation projects technically as well as economically and develop strategies for utilisation. In doing so, they can relate political and civil society framework conditions to the field of application, critically reflect on social processes and assume social responsibility.


  • Qualification goal #2:


    The students should be able to act creatively and critically as digitisation specialists and react to new professional and technological challenges. The focus of the degree programme is the ability to recognise interdisciplinary connections and social effects and to be able to take them into account responsibly in their own actions. The students can understand, analyse and optimise coordinated hardware and software in their interaction. They can use, integrate and redesign partial products and configure and create corresponding software for this. The results should solve problems and challenges of the application areas with the means of digitalisation. They can acquire missing knowledge independently, organise their work in teams independently in order to bring a project to a successful conclusion.

    2.1 Skills: Computer science discipline

    Students can plan, configure and realise software applications and software for systems, solve the problems of the fields of applications by means of digitalisation.

    2.2. Skills: Fields of Applications

    Students can understand, analyse and optimise interdependent hardware and software in their interaction, as well as redesign, integrate and create corresponding software for this by using finished sub-products.

    2.3. Skills: General modules for the Master's degree

    They can acquire missing knowledge independently and organise their work in teams independently in order to bring a project to a successful conclusion. They can produce scientific papers and write professional documentation and descriptions of the solutions developed.


  • Qualification goal #3:


    The students know the contents of computer science, especially in relation to software development, software engineering and systems engineering. They have knowledge in their chosen main and secondary areas of the respective subject discipline of computer science as well as the main and secondary application area that can also be chosen. They know about the methods of scientific work. They know agile methods and practices for successful teamwork in projects. The students can develop solution ideas for practical problems from the application areas with digitalisation technologies.

    3.1. Knowledge: Computer science subject discipline

    The students know the contents of computer science, especially in relation to software development, software engineering and systems engineering, as well as in the subject discipline of computer science they have chosen as their major and minor area. They acquire methodological knowledge of problem analysis, design and implementation and knowledge of the current state of research in selected areas of computer science.

    3.2 Knowledge: Fields of Applications

    The students know the contents of their chosen main as well as secondary application area, especially with regard to the production of hardware, products and systems.

    3.3. Knowledge: General modules for the Master's degree

    The students know the methods of scientific work. They know agile methods and practices of successful teamwork in projects. They can jointly develop new solution ideas with digitalisation technologies for practical problems from the application areas.